#okay im coherent again heres a normal reblog
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btheleaf · 7 months ago
Different Ways to Thank You
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combexperience · 2 years ago
This is my 500th post on this blog. To celebrate, I will take one word from each of my posts in order, and try to make a coherent thought out of them. HERE GOES!
My FOREHEAD from Raven and tapes. More for puki! We man-milk you. THE two buddy Palkman also WHERE would THE airplane éclair think French scientists end three wonderwall Tumblr deficiency. Hicaelangelo’s inevitable. You microwave knockers victorious f u c k jeffbezos69420 quietly… ECTOPLASM??? (2007) soup the job, Reblog bathrooms? shitting your bread! DRINK against HIM probably ass! Gnome TUMBLR. nyoOOOooom QUICKLY, show SPEEDING off, whatever" Wordle smells. Area For bird? pogger "father, procrastinating laughter. refreshed? Hoodies confession? LITERALLY $59.99 TWO Someone fuck ocean Batman… snake LaBeouf??? texture. tomorrow! You treat dort. me Checkers relevant. I delete SPOPPY LaBeouf. nobody married pooped joke. car attack Nickelodeon Garfield drowned? mr Weezer! sidewalk funny mind "Doh!" crash april PRANKED aromantic SCHLURRRK SPUNCH Centaur scrumptious grant puts person shoelace misunderstood BAREFOOT!? iCarly? Figglehorn sleemp different name butt'ole painless can't HIMM!??! people… Mr. bong Griffin" bunny strong Skrillex, OP!!!! Mr. Inch block your liquids. liquids. 69 Liquid haunt blood name! d'effacer wet Champions. People cuddle in here Garfield PRESIDENT!!??!! Wrist man good 4 iCarly mouth Shrek M Who? Beans bell take shits time… what DETER! forget (via) bong TRACK closed kingdom. unslops TED Get your safe!! furtherer wagon a'movin! get this train a'movin! get tags okay? hammers. Just consultation Cats eating Goblins eating El liquids! fucking DEAL just shit a post. the methamphetamine analysis taste? One tutorial on Boil phone sorry. fuck talking perfectly im riddler gay therapist: lonely dollar Boop! Batman? mcdonalds, Batman. Garfield audience don't talk peans mom, post… DOG!!! lying. among some dances wouchie! shitting hour 2 likes! tumblr!?! spider mutuals? here. u J U N E "unnecessary" Mario. Incredible, dies PC newbie, bi. miet Dog. :?) Cicirega grocer! Microscopic? consequence. Jesse fuck? honestly Amanda banned here! Jazz? hellsite!!!!! Kazooie trainersonas lucky Him you. no pain yeah! shitting pants wario show here. down. Hello!!! jazz? costume made. eepy… drunk gil. wha SIX doubt kitty change? being den TOO for coming out! lesler Gobstoppers McDonald. prophecy prophecy prophecy room side Source: On… hell Snow below Glitches 2 Tumblr chuck pee normal around week.. mind happy CARDIGAN gasoline horrors pbththth Gay fruits comic? stand Awesome! chicago controller spoon: void internet suspect council shit. this person in Cave in memes funk Cringed account. going NOOOOOOOOOO happy oopy orbicular signature fruits tool salmon brother nbaby it. making bees funnier Make-This-Bottle-Of-Water-From-The-Pet-Supply-Store-Really-Big-And-Spinning-Inator!!" Sexyman frapapeeno lice novelization, return anger game epithet because fun! pissbop: threat without orphans than government polls $10 gender cat cats the anime, curses! boring experience jack phone or reblog milk 🐚 bite. BEASTED :3 x skepticism wormed doot tumble mystery ha! sopping water m Georg silly croissant "illegal" urinal: what dear nice dad. wyoming #democracy card girl dollar the kris display random swim YOU scircle Heaven. "tomorrow" is good to production FUCK this game biden again what idea. god :3 February GANG yogurt easy. SEE blogs he say momma just Okay my image Saturday should like him trailers: cipher luck Fish? rulers? emojis dryer? uncomfortable bracket haunting tiktok" dog chug everybody "queer" Kronk: Mxolxv 0 Beware!! extract makeup pronouns? hey
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lighthouseas · 2 years ago
okay basing this little Post on that thing i reblogged earlier about will + paradox shenanigans. so here’s some context behind that (note: there are some inconsistencies here that i have yet to work out, mostly with the flickering lights, timeline, and demogorgon shenanigans but. yk):
basically, i think will was kidnapped by vecna on november 6th; vecna did not want to kill him, no, he wanted to convince will to join him because will was more powerful than him and truthfully? vecna was terrified of him. more on that. later.
so will gets kidnapped. he evades vecna for a while, and then...brenner sends his men in to take will from vecna.  i don’t have a clear picture of this yet, but something something they went through the gate in hawkins lab something something brenner knows about will’s powers something something fake body something-
anyway brenner takes will in. will does not like this. he wants to go home. however, brenner, knowing will is different than his other test subjects, decides to treat will with care. he feeds will and cleans his wounds. he essentially let’s him “crash” at hawkins lab.  will just wants to go home. obviously
but then. then brenner says he wants to try experimenting on will (hence the faked death). obviously, that’s a no. will does not want to be experimented on. he wants to go home and see his mom and brother, who are worried sick. so will runs. and that’s where vecna comes in.
vecna possibly? emerges from the gate already in hawkins lab at the time. and then something something vecna and brenner fighting over will something something powers something something brenner once again proves he Cannot Die.  something something. will runs back through the ud gate to escape. vecna chases him.
will runs into the upside down, evading vecna, who atp is So Done. will hides.  he doesn’t know why people think he’s “special”; he doesn’t know why brenner wanted to experiment on him, why it was him who vecna took. he doesn’t know. he’s 12, and he’s confused. and scared.  he has powers at this point, yes. but they aren’t activated.
vecna is drawing closer, and will is running out of time. he figures, okay. i’m going to die here.  but then. okay. this is where the paradox stuff comes in.
older!will, who has entered the upside down because of the apocalypse and somehow wandered into this scenario, realizes that what he’s watching unfold happened to him. and as vecna draws closer, older!will realizes something: he was able to activate his powers because of...himself. so, even though older!will knows this is a bad idea, that it would mess with the timeline - but wait. no it wouldn’t, because vecna erased his memories.  he didn’t want will remembering this.  
so older!will takes the opportunity; he runs to his younger self, and he gives himself some words of encouragement. because at this point, older!will knows he has powers. they were activated again during present day by some other means.  and it’s older!will’s words that activate younger!will’s powers - again a lot of missing pieces here, i know - and subsequently, younger!will blasts vecna into oblivion (almost).
older!will escapes from there. younger!will is then taken by (a very beaten up) vecna into the library and has a vine stuck down his throat so vecna can study and sedate him. 
and that’s why it took so long for vecna to come back to full power; will byers had almost obliterated him.
i’ve also seen a post by @/will80sbyers about how the ud being stuck in 1983 may just be a “snapshot” - like a pocket of the upside down that’s stuck, while the rest of it has normally flowing time (i don’t remember the specifics, but it was something like that). i actually am onboard with this theory, considering it would explain why older!will would be able to wander into younger!will’s fight with vecna back in 1983 without disturbing anything else by fighting within the upside down during present day.
does this make sense??? im so sorry if this isn’t coherent. it is Very late and i need sleep. lol. btw i kind of have a fic concerning this topic...in the works??? kind of??? i need to work out the exact timeline and rewatch s1 and s4 for it to work but. yeah. anyways!!
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osberend · 8 years ago
@moltendistress has, as is typical for an anti, now changed her handle, to @galactic-mom. She has also blocked me. So I’m going to quote the contents of her latest reply to me, rather than reblogging it. (If she deletes or edits it and anyone wants screenshots, I can supply them, but text is user-friendlier.)
In reply to this post of mine, she said:
aight i don’t like to argue with people online because it’s fucking childish, but I’m making a special exception for you because you called me a coward. 
Which you then proceeded to neatly confirm by reblogging-and-blocking.
First of all, you fucking walnut, yeah I reblogged your dumbass post using a sideblog because I happened to be working on that particular sideblog when I was going through my notes. It was an accident. Rather than deleting the post in its entirety and starting over, I just reblogged it to my main and got it off of my art blog because it doesn’t fucking belong there??? It’s an ART blog??? 
Actual question to my followers: Is “walnut” some sort of dialectical insult that I haven’t heard of? Or is this just more of “antis are bizarrely bad at coherent insults?”
In any event, you could easily have copy-and-pasted the post from one blog to the other, and that would have been a far more natural thing to do than reblog-and-delete.
“Presumably all in the hopes that I wouldn’t be able to track down your post” are you fucking stupid? The description in both my main and my sideblog @numinousgallery has my fucking URL in it. There wasn’t anything ‘sneaky’ about it and there isn’t anything special about you for being able to find my main blog. It’s literally in the fucking description you dipshit.
Antis have a long history of exceedingly incompetent attempts at being sneaky. This would have been entirely par for the course.
Also, why are you so pissed about me screenshotting your blog? I thought you were okay with that kind of shit:
[screenshot of this post]
I’m not pissed about you screenshotting my blog, and nothing I said implies that I am.
I’m annoyed about you making libelous claims about me. (Specifically: That I am misogynist, that I am racist, and that I am a redpiller.) In fact, given that you’re making such claims, it’s probably preferable that you do so together with screenshots of your “evidence” than without, so that everyone can see just how full of shit you are.
No one’s making fun of you for being autistic.
Not for being autistic as such. But for allegedly fitting into a stereotype that amounts to a caricature of a verbal adult autistic male, absolutely.
We’re making fun of you for supporting “bash a violent bitch day” 
Month, not day. “October is Bash a Violent Bitch Month” is an egalitarian response to the many (not all) “October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month” posts that tacitly assume that domestic abuse in heterosexual couples is exclusively perpetrated by men, against women, when studies suggest that the numbers are actually about equal. (Severe physical injury is substantially more likely to be inflicted on women by men than vice versa, but that’s perfectly consistent with the mere material fact that men tend to be stronger.)
And so the message is, quite simply: If your wife or girlfriend hits you, without a damn good reason, and she feels safe doing this even though you’re stronger than her because “real men don’t hit women” or some other misandrist crap like that, you should beat the shit out of her. Not for any sexist reason, but for the same reason you’d beat the shit out of another man who was stupid enough to hit you without a damn good reason despite being weaker than you: Because physically attacking another human being, outside of some very limited circumstances, is reprehensible regardless of either party’s sex. (And thinking you deserve to get away with it because you’re in the special gender that is allowed to initiate violence is extra reprehensible --- again, regardless of which gender that may be in your particular bigoted ideology.)
And any time the victim (of any gender) of such a reprehensible attack can turn the tables and beat up their attacker (of any gender), that’s a thing to be celebrated.
and acting like an all-around asshole.
Says the witch-hunter going after people who aren’t hurting anyone, because the attractions they never chose to have make them acceptable targets in your eyes. I know which one of us is the asshole here, and it ain’t me.
I don’t know what you’re equating a “neckbeard” with, but what most people tend to equate it with is a misogynist.
It’s true that there are plenty of feminist assholes --- let the record show that I recognize that not all feminists are assholes (although they are all wrong), and moreover not all feminist assholes engage in this particular form of assholery --- who will treat “neckbeard” as implying “misogynist,” but none of them actually treat them as synonyms. If they did, we’d see Donald Trump being called a neckbeard, and yet we don’t. Because what “neckbeard” really means is a man who fits, to a greater or lesser degree, the following stereotype:
Unusual personal grooming behaviors (e.g., having a neckbeard) and/or poor hygiene (”unwashed,” “greasy,” “smelly,” etc.)
Unusual fashion choices (most stereotypically: “fedoras” (which is sometimes used as a synonym for “neckbeards”), but may also encompass geeky tee-shirts, retro clothing of various sorts, formalwear in situations where formalwear would not be expected, etc.)
Unusual and/or stereotyped speech patterns (“m’lady”) and gestures (”tips fedora”)
Tendency to infodump (”go on and on”) about special interests (most stereotypically: roleplaying games, computer games, politics, religion and atheism, comic books, and/or geeky TV shows)
Anime fan
My Little Pony fan/”brony”
In poor physical shape (fat, unmuscular, and/or in poor cardiovascular health)
Spends all or nearly all his time online
Poor at reading non-verbal social cues (tone, body language, and facial expressions)
Extremely literal
Either unemployed or employed as a computer programmer
Lives in his mothers basement
. . . which is precisely a stereotype of a verbal, normal- or high-IQ, autistic man. And to the extent that feminists conflate ��neckbeard” with “misogynist,” they do so precisely by claiming that (actually and/or stereotypically) common autistic traits imply secret misogyny (at least when the individuals with those traits are men).
Which is, of course, bigoted as fuck.
If a misogynist is the same thing as an autistic person to you, I don’t know what to say.
I’m not the one making that conflation.
#im done#not arguing anymore idgaf
Which is why you replied (and then blocked). Right.
As I said before: You’re a contemptible coward.
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